Download crono chrono trigger
Download crono chrono trigger

To get this much fabled ending, start a New Game +, and when you get to Lucca's Teleportation thingamabobber, enter the right telepod and fight Lavos. If you want to just download all the endings in one zip file, click here. So if your rom is Chrono.smc, change the file name to Chrono.zst. * To make the save states work, change the name of the file to whatever the name of your ROM is. So I will list out all of the endings, as well as allow you to download each and every one for your Zsnes viewing pleasure. Luckily for us, Chrono Trigger features a multitude of endings for our greedy selves. A simple showing of the credits and little else (or that stupid "That's Benjamin, you nut!" line in FF: Mystic Quest). Often, games may disappoint with their endings. We have taken this untamed beast of a game, and completed it, and the ending for the game is our great reward. Sure, Pac-Man can be fun, but is it really fun to just keep playing until the game simply crashes on you? We, as a society, yearn for closure, and the endings provided in the games give us satisfaction, and they allow us to reflect back on our accomplishment, and realize that we have become the masters of our domain.

download crono chrono trigger

What a great advent for the gaming community.

Download crono chrono trigger